Grant-Seeker Academy PD Workshop Overview

Grant-Seeker Academy Workshop Overview

June 1 – 3, 2022 
Hyatt Place DFW


The 2022 workshop will be held at the Hyatt Place DFW adjacent to DFW Airport, Dallas, Texas. Workshop meetings will be Wednesday, June 1 through Friday, June 3. Participants should arrive at the Hyatt Place by the evening of Tuesday, May 31.

We encourage in-person attendance to get the full benefit of the workshop and mentoring activities.

For those who are unable to attend in-person, virtual participation is possible.  Please complete the registration form and indicate “virtual attendance.”

The Pathways to Innovation provides travel funds to be disbursed to the college for airfare, ground transportation, and airport parking for two (2) team members from each college.  Additional team members are invited to attend, but must be funded by the college or another source. If your college would like to send additional team members, please contact Liz Myrick or Ann Beheler.

The following travel expenses will be paid on your behalf:

  • Three nights hotel for two (2) team members at the Hyatt Place DFW
  • All meals will be provided except for Thursday evening when dinner will be on your own. 

Workshop Hotel Details

Hyatt Place DFW
2350 Global Drive
DFW Airport, TX 75261

Three nights hotel (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights) are provided for two team members from each college. All attendees including those that are self-funded will receive complimentary meals, in-room Internet, and shuttle transportation to and from the DFW airport.

All attendees will reserve their hotel room at the link provided on the workshop registration form; CORD will review registrations and coordinate with the hotel to determine who in our room block will be covered on the master billing list and who will pay for their own room.

To reserve a room in the group block, reservations must be made by May 10, 2022.

**Individual cancellations must be made with the hotel within 48 hours prior to arrival. Any cancellations within 48 hours of arrival or no-shows will be subject to a charge of one night room and tax.

If you should need to stay over on Friday night, you (or your college) will be responsible for the fourth night’s stay.

Workshop Schedule

Wednesday, June 1:

7:45 am – Complimentary breakfast in the Hotel Gallery
8:45 am – Workshop begins
5:00 pm – Workshop concludes for the day
6:15 pm – Complimentary shuttle service from the hotel to the restaurant departs
6:30 pm – Group dinner

Thursday, June 2:

8:00 am – Complimentary breakfast in the Hotel Gallery
9:00 am – Workshop begins
5:00 pm – Workshop concludes for the day

-Dinner on your own or with your team and mentor

Friday, June 3:

 8:00 am – Complimentary breakfast in the Hotel Gallery
 9:00 am – Workshop begins
12:15 pm – Workshop concludes

Checkout by Noon 
Shuttle service to the airport

Workshop Attire

Business casual

Workshop To-Do List

  1. Register your team members
  2. Make hotel reservations. Deadline – MAY 10
  3. Purchase your airline ticket

Bring to the Workshop

 A laptop or tablet