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Project Overview
The Building Pathways To Innovation (PTI) Through Strategic Employer Engagement (DUE 2039395) project builds on the ATE-supported Business & Industry Leadership Team (BILT) model, a proven method for strategic employer engagement developed by the National Convergence Technology Center. Colleges involved in PTI will develop employer relationships that yield workforce intelligence at a depth and with a frequency that facilitates continuous program improvement and innovation. Through technical assistance leveraging ATE’s capacity-building resources and the BILT model, PTI will foster a culture of innovation co-led by employers and college faculty through three complementary initiatives:
- The PTI BILT Academy <hyperlink> will coach teams (employer + faculty) from community college STEM programs to effectively keep pace with shifting workforce demands and evolving technologies to prepare the nation’s skilled technical workforce.
- The PTI Mentoring Academy <hyperlink> will mentor grant-seeking college teams to use BILT’s essential elements as a foundation upon which to build competitive proposals for implementing innovative ATE programs responsive to employer needs.
- Through coordination efforts with ATE National Centers, PTI will assist new grantees with strategic employer engagement and effective grant implementation/management through on-demand resources and an Ask-an-ATE Expert <hyperlink> helpline.
What’s So Unique About the BILT?
The frequency, specificity, and depth of business input, coupled with an industry-led governance structure, sets the BILT model apart. BILTs embrace the notion that employer engagement is not an event, but a process built on trusted relationships between colleges and companies. BILTs leverage the sector knowledge of employers and teaching expertise of faculty to foster powerful collaborations that ensure program curriculum meets the needs of business and students are workforce ready. Learn more about the BILT model <hyperlink>
Resources for Everyone
In addition to providing cohort-focused technical assistance, PTI is developing a body of training materials and a curated resource collection to support technical program innovation through strategic employer engagement. This on-demand content will be available to colleges across the ATE community.